April 22nd, 2020 by
Dog. Man’s best friend. It’s without doubt we love our pooches but have you ever wondered what they think about you? Looked into their eyes and tried to figure out what they are thinking? Here are a few little things that your dog might do to show you how they really feel!
Pestering You
Working from home because of the lockdown? Me too. And all my dog keeps doing is trying to close my laptop with her paw and dropping toys into my lap. Sound familiar? This is a sign your dog loves you! Willing to share their favourite toys, bugging you for attention, what may seem a tiny bit inconvenient to you – we’re trying to work here, dog! – is just their little way of showing you they really love you spending more time at home with them!
Wanting to Be Close
If your dog ever lays close to you, either on the sofa, by your feet, even wanting to snuggle up in bed on a night - this is because they love you! They feel safe close by you and might even like sharing warmth on those chilly evenings!
Some dogs like to show their affection with a paw. Whether this is a paw at you or a paw resting on your leg on the sofa – this means you are well-loved by your dog and they are again showing their love by keeping close to you!
Some people don’t like dogs licking them. I say we don’t like people who don’t like dogs licking them! If your dog has ever licked your face, or your arm, leg, any body part really – it is because they love you… or maybe you just taste really nice, who knows!
Yawning with You
Does your dog yawn when you do? We know yawning is contagious in humans but notice next time you feel a yawn coming on if your pooch decides they want to join in! This could be a subtle little sign that they love you and want to be doing what you’re doing!
Following You Around
Have you ever got up to go to the toilet and found your furry friend wants to come too? Dogs like to be in our space when they love us, spending as much time with us as possible! I don’t think that is such a bad thing!
As dogs are social creatures like us, they like to be with us the majority of the time. They may show this by initiating play with you, bringing you a toy to play tug with or their favourite ball for you to throw shows they want to spend time with you engaged with them, so don’t disappoint them!
Most dogs show their love with a wagging tail! If your dog comes to you wagging the whole time then they definitely love you! Or you could just be holding their favourite treats…. Just saying!
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